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During initial screening we must identify and select from the whole variety of possible disorders and diseases specific to particular case. Diagnosis should be based upon such factors as ongoing hair loss and growth characteristics, different external defects and irregularities of hair, scalp condition, or, in other words, your overall hair and scalp condition identification. Quite often hair and scalp problems might be an external indication of more serious changes or violations of the internal body health, however, hair loss is not always the result of internal diseases. It can be caused by various factors, such as poor nutriotion, hormonal changes, emotional fluctuations, improper maintenance and many others. During screening you may be asked a series of questions about yourself, hair problems of your family members and relatives, lately underwent illnesses and diseases, physical or emotional injuries, medication prescribed and general health status, hair care and maintenance, etc. All this might be necessary to collect history of disease or anamnesis (abbr. Hx) in order to determine the potential start of particular hair problem - was it influenced by some of internal or external factors. etc. Also a visual inspection of the hair loss or hair thinning form is performed as well as scalp condition assessment - is it flaky, oily, itchy, scratchy, reddish, etc.; evaluation of the hair status - whether they look healthy and shiny, or they are fragile and damaged with split ends, etc. In addition, nail, teeth, eye-lid conditions may be of interest, as their structural changes may have the same basis as for hair. All this aids in proper determination of the nature of ongoing problems and adds more valuable information to final solution.

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