Beauty&Beyond line of products is developed in the U.S. for chemically damaged, brittle, porous and long hair daily care. These products are particularly effective for severely damaged and frequently undergoing chemical treatment hair. The reason is that the original hair category to be targeted by these products is processed hair used in the hair replacement industry. These are specifically chemically processed donor hair used for variety of hair replacement, integration and addition applications. As a rule, in most cases, these hair come from Central and East Asia (China, India, etc.), and on average are thicker than European. The hair undergo special chemical treatment or processing, that virtually results in stripping their outer cuticle layer, thus hair become thinner and loose natural pigment (color). After this in simple words hair are being dyed and colored again as well as kept in a special solution to ensure their proper and long-term quality. Nevertheless, these hair require specific care to maintain their best condition and this is the goal addressed by Beauty&Beyond products. Speaking growing hair, this line is extremely effective for severely damaged and frequently undergoing chemical treatment hair. Hair of this type similar to “processed” require very gentle wash and some specific conditioning due to heavily modified properties of the external and internal structure. Processed Hair Wash shampoo is developed to meat these guidelines and, in addition to other active substances, contains greater number of the structural protein collagen, which is usually a characteristic of active structural vialed preparations. Dual balm-mask Rinse-Out Treatment and Leave-In Treatment conditioning spray provide a comprehensive strengthening and protection for hair, as both products are designed to "seal" damaged hair shafts, that are strongly vary in terms of the structural composition (as in the case of long hair) throughout entire length even of the very same hair. For hair styling and control are designed Spray Gelle volumizer and Hair Spray non-aerosol “wet” lacquer with gloss. Both preparations enriched with a complex of amino acids and other active ingredients to provide in addition a complete protection to your hair.