Instant camouflage
Instant camouflage often called instant hair replacement can be suitable for any man or woman in case when hair thinning pattern is not generalized. Rather than non-surgical hair replacement process, when applicable, we utilize special Nanofibres by Nanogen technolgy, which is designed to work equally as effectively on both sexes, and for people of any age. It employs the usage of specific microfibres made from keratin (the natural substance that real hair is made from), that bind firmly to your existing hair electrostatically, adding "new hair" to growing hair, thus creating an overall volume wanted. The microfibre jar is specially designed to give maximum static charge to the fibres, which become more charged as they exit the dispensing mesh. The materials in the Nanogen dispensing system have been chosen based on their electrostatic donating potential. Microfibres are applied quickly and without mess by simply shaking the container over the thinning area, releasing thousands of the microscopic colour-matched hair fibres, which intertwine with, and branch off of your natural existing hair. Charged with static electricity, they bond in fir tree patterns along the hair fibres so securely that they will stay in place all day and will not stain or smear, but can be easily washed out with a shampoo wash. For this microfibre and hair shaft bond security final fix and improvement against perspiration, wind, etc., a special Locking Mist is applied over the entire area microfibres were used. Here is some functional Nanofibres characteristics:
Protein-moulding: raw keratin fibres changed into the optimum shape & dimensions for blending with the existing hair;
Cross-continental colour matching: as there are subtle differences between european, asian and african black and dark brown hair colours, there is a choice of fibres to accomodate all ethnic hair colour shades;
Electrostatic keratin-coating: a special film covering on each and every microfibre to store charge, maintain translucent colour properties, reduce weight/bulk ratio and prevent itchiness.
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