Healthy hair rules for an entire life:
From 0 to 10 years: baby care requires usage of hair products specially formulated for newborns or baby hair (no-tears shampoos, very sensitive scalp remedies, etc.). 4-5 year old kids should use hair care products for children, 6-9 year olds may choose betwen children's, normal or dry and sensitive hair care products depending on current hair and scalp condition. Longer hair even in such age may require some natural herb rinses, rinse-out conditioners or balsams after wash, as well as leave-in conditioners that improve resistance to hair styling and mechanical factors. For good hair development infants should receive adequate amounts of natural vitamins and trace elements with food products, lots of movement and fresh air. Overall health promotion and well-being will always contibute to the health of children hair.
From 10 to 18 years: with sexual maturation process and the beginning of the entire body intensive adjustment children and adolescents start to experience an increase in the body produced oils and scalp sensitivity. They should choose soft hair care, or, as an option, interchange it on daily basis with normal hair (or dry, oily, dandruff - depending on the condition) hair care products. Long or short hair care requires the choice of the right products depending upon hair and scalp condition and then you can often use some rinsing agents, balm or hair masks hair after shampooing. Moreover, rational and healthy diet, as well as avoidance of sweets, carbonated drinks and unhealthy food products that promote skin fat content, may improve entire body health and mental health, and hair health subsequently.
From 18 to 30 years: as we approach the human body puberty peak, our overall hair amount increases and they grow faster. However, until the human hormone system stabilizes our endocrine glands keeps releasing hormones that increased hair and scalp fat. Currently, it is essential for hair to be clean. Furthermore, it is important to balance the diet and eat more products that contain enough fiber (fruits, vegetables, different grains). During spring and early summer there is a special need for the body's natural vitamins. We need to drink more non-carbonated and non-alcoholic beverages (up to 2-3 liters daily) to help remove all the slag from our system. Carbonated drinks and sweets promote fat release and are not healthy for skin and hair.
From 30 to 60 years old: Lifestyle, valuable and harmful habits, acquired diseases, etc., they all are reflected in the hair condition. Hair begin to turn gray, thin, their growth slowes down, decreases oily gland fatty production, hair and skin become more dry. In addition, hair is often affected by hair dyes, chemical waves, hairdressing product diversity and the creation of a many other factors. In this period of life hair requires more attention and care than before, regular blood flow stimulating scalp massages and the use of the right hair care products is stronglu advisable.
More than 60 years: The depletion of hormones, particularly estrogen activity and an overall amount of hair getting thinner and less dense, split ends, hair and skin become even dryer. At this time regular scalp massages, usage of moisturizing and nutritive scalp and hair care products as well as special procedures are important.