Year round
Healthy hair rules all year round:
Summer is the perfect time for hair as limited number of solar ultraviolet radiation stimulates hair growth and reduces dandruff and itching. Solar heat has a positive effect on your hair, but its surplus (heat) dryes off hair shaft, promotes its cracking, violates the protein contacts, reduces the elasticity and flexibility. The proper hair care requires use of special protection agents - moisturizers with UV filters, especially during increased daytime infrared solar ray activity. If there is a need to be exposed a longer time to the sun it is advisable to shield the hair with some headgear (light colors and non-synthetic), which traps solar radiation and air permeable. It is better to avoid hair coloring and chemical perm or straightening when it’s hot. In addition, you must always take care of hair protection from the sea or pool water exposure. Best protection is to use some special water-resistant hair liquids or sprays with UV filters. While in the sea or swimming pool it is better to use a bathing cap as the sea salt and chlorine significantly dry up hair structure. If such an option is unavailable or undesired at least rinse your hair right away with fresh water and wash them properly at earliest convenience.
Fall is the best time to change hair looks with the condition your hair did not get injured on summertime. You can dye them, perm or do any other chemical changes for hair style desired. If the hair has been affected by the summer, it is necessary to arrange for hair shaft restoration using special hair care maintanance prior to any chemical changes.
In the winter give you hair and scalp a preventive massage at least once every 10 days, use mositurizing and nutrtion hair care products as well as less hair dryer, soft dyes and perms, etc.
In the spring hair is very vulnerable to the whole body vitamin deficiency, they tend to dry and break. It is important to use vitamins and multivitamins to supplement regullar diet as well as stimulate stronger hair growth by means of various hair treatment procedures and regular scalp massages.