TrichoSciencePro independent and the most advanced complex software is the latest tool developed for trichologists and dermocosmetologists for professional use with presented TrichoScope equipment or any other suitable TrichoScopes for the purposes of most complete trichologic patient screening, evaluation and precise diagnosis establishment as well as further research in trichology. Below is the general list of TrichoSciencePro software main functions and features:
Maintains a database of patient and outpatient cards and charts; there are standard outpatient cards made specifically for trichologist or physician with all necessary for collection history data; all databases can be stored, edited or deleted; it is possible to transfer the database when reinstalling the program to another computer;
Semiautomatic hair density calculations per square centimeter and automatic density ratio determination for different scalp sections;
Separate percent count of Anagen and Telogen, Terminal and Vellus hair; calculations can be carried out in several scalp areas depending on problem nature (for example for Androgen dependent and non-dependent zones); the data obtained in the form of graphs is compared to the standard norms for every type of hair (blonde, red, brown, black, etc.) depending on patient's personal data (age, sex, race, etc.);
Count of various abnormality marks in several fields of view - "yellow dots" (typical for Alopecia Areata), "white spots", follicles with hyperpigmentation, "black spots" of hair in the form of an exclamation mark, etc; these measurements are shown in the form of graphs;
Possibility of entering into the memory the exact coordinates of the scalp parts surveyed; any counting could take place in several fields of view, which greatly improves the accuracy of the results;
Semiautomatic hair diameter determination in microns, separately and ratio value for different zones of the scalp, also mean square deviation calculations; measuring hair diameter in the Androgen dependent and non-dependent zones and measured parameter ratio calculations for these zones; a certain percentage of thin, thick and medium-diameter hair counts; calculations can be carried out in several scalp areas; the data obtained in the form of graphs is compared to the standard norm for every type of hair (blonde, red, brown, black, etc.) depending on patient’s personal data (age, sex, race, etc.);
Digital phototrichogram in different scalp zones in the semi-automatic mode; comparison of the intensity of hair loss in the Parietal (Androgen dependent) and Occipital (Androgen non-dependent) allows for a differential diagnosis of Diffuse, Androgen-dependent, Telogen or Anagen Effluvium types of hair loss; stages of Anagen, Telogen and young hair growth are estimated automatically; an automatic percent count of Vellus and Terminal hair in Anagen and Telogen stages in different zones (mass fraction) enables for differential diagnosis between different types of Alopecia and evaluation of treatment results over certain time span; dynamic hair treatment regime convenient monitoring and visalization;
Growing and shedded hair trichometry in semi-automatic mode allows retrospective calculations of hair loss within 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 month prior to patient examination for differential diagnosis between the types of Alopecia, as well as any eventual follow-up on possible changes in response to applied treatment;
Automatic estimate of the hair thinning progression rate, actual shedding intensity and growing speed comparison to normal rates in form of the coefficient spread data sheet; current and previous session collected data comparison;
Hair calculator - makes it possible to calculate the total amount of hair on the scalp, a daily rate of hair loss and hair growth for a given patient; convenient performance of a dynamic monitoring of hair growth with patient visualization options;
Hair number per follicular unit counts; an assessment of the distribution of hairs in follicular units allows the calculation of the number of single, double, triple units, as well as units with four and five hairs.
Scalp condition evaluation; an assessment of the scalp state in various zones and comparison of images obtained from the available database; the database can grow and emerge from own observations;
Hair roots state evaluation in-depth; an assessment of the hair roots and comparison of images obtained from the available database; the database can grow and emerge from own observations;
Hair shafts per entire hair length to the tip evaluation in-depth including any possible formation and breakage disorder study; an assessment of the hair shafts and comparison of images obtained from the available database; the database can grow and emerge from own observations;
Trichogram study module with counted various types of hair being recorded and calculated for Parietal and Occipital areas in specific tables; comparison of images obtained from the available database; the database can grow from own observations;
Dermatoscopy module with general study and pigmented lesion identification, measurement and determination of their boundaries symmetry; ABC, ABCD, Argeniziano algorithms for obatained data evaluation; comparison of images obtained from the available database; the database can grow and emerge from own observations;
Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale module for rapid assessment and evaluation of patient's emotional background;
Global photographs module for for image comparison; patient’s dynamic treatment regime recording and evaluation;
Automatic conclusion function to calculate the likelihood of a diagnosis established as a percentage; the accuracy of the automatic diagnosis depends on measurements of density, thickness, etc. obtained in different areas of the scalp;
Concluions and Recommendations module to carry out suggested selection of additionally required laboratory and instrumental diagnostics and recommendations for treatments and products from the databases; all databases may be altered and redeveloped independently; user has a sole discretion to determine information extent to be issued to patient;
Auto-tuning of any optical equipment allows for measurements in different from standard preprogrammed units, such as number of hairs per, hair thickness in microns, etc., regardless of degree of expansion (focus) of applied optics;
All stages of studies allow user to determine their volume and the sequence on his own, no fills of "mandatory" items;
Patient management, treatment record support; outpatient card support.
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