Solutions Interactive glossarium X, Y, Z
Yeast (Saccharomyces) - extract contains glycides, B group vitamins, and nucleic acids. The high polysaccharide content (beta-glucan) not only helps to perfectly moisturize hair shafts but also enhances scalp protective properties against UV radiation and others, stimulates collagen and glycoprotein formation.
Zea Mays, Corn hydrolized protein – botanic extract has a lot of unsaturated fatty acids and phosphatides, which are involved in various metabolic processes that regulate the amount of cholesterol in the blood vessels, cell membranes, etc; enhances metabolism, has anti-inflammatory effect, improves skin and hair condition; enhances delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles.
Zinc - trace mineral, promotes growth and cell division, therefore, necessary for growth, wound healing; important for the stability of proteins and nucleic acids. Zinc participates in the processes of cell division and differentiation, T-cell immunity development, functioning of dozens of enzymes, including the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase, and insulin – an enzyme produced by the pancreas. Zinc is essential for the processes of skin regeneration, hair and nails growth and sebaceous gland secretion, it contributes to vitamin E absorption and regulation of normal concentration of this vitamin in the blood, as well as participates in the hematopoiesis. Zinc is required to maintain the skin in normal condition, hair and nails growth, as well as for healing lesions, as much as it is important in the synthesis of proteins. Zinc enhances the body immune system and exerts a detoxifying effect, i.e. contributes to elimination of carbon dioxide from the body. Zinc reduces hair loss and improves hair appearance. Zinc is important to stop premature hair graying since it has been proved that gray hair contain less Zinc. In Cosmetology and Trichology is used in skin epidermal layer care and hair cuticle strengthening products.
Zingibere Officinalis (Ginger) - classified as a stimulant and carminative, used for hair and scalp stimulation.
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