.Infusion – from Latin “Infusum”; undosed liquid intake form, made from an aqueous extract of medicinal plant material or an aqueous solution, tailor-made for specific purpose. A popular treatment form in folk medicine, phytotherapy and homeopathy. Infusions can be applied internally, externally or inhaled through the heated vapor.
Inositol - or vitamin B8, stimulates activity of body cells, improves general metabolism. Inositol deficiency may be associated with hair loss and skin eruptions. Inositol is important for persistent growth of healthy hair, prevents premature hair loss, conditions, moisturizes, and makes hair combing easier. Inositol protects healthy skin and exerts a sedative effect. It forms a part of cell membranes, stimulates cell respiration, exerts a marked lipotrophic effect, improves the nerve signal transmission, regulates the copper and zinc balance. Inositol participates in the process of DNA replication and protein synthesis, therefore contributes to fast tissue growth and regeneration. It improves the blood fluidity (rheology) and prevents blood clots formation, as well as enhances the elasticity of vessel walls. In Cosmetology and Trichology is used vegetable derived Inositol (predominantly soybean) - activates biological processes in the skin and hair roots, reduces skin rashes, hair loss, baldness, and promotes rapid hair growth.
Iodine - trace element necessary for the production of thyroid hormone, its deficiency is characterized by hair loss and brittle hair.
Iron (Ferrum) - trace element, forms parts of hemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochromes, as well as of numerous enzymes involved in the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Most of the human body iron is contained in red blood cells, it is present in brain cells. Iron is important for the processes of energy release, enzymatic reactions, it secures immune functions and cholesterol metabolism. Iron contained in cells and tissues contributes to the activity of the protein transferrin, which transports ferric iron ions. Iron makes hair stronger and protects from fragility. Iron deficiency is a common condition associated with hair loss onset. In Cosmetology and Trichology is used in the composition of mineral salts in skin masks and hair shaft restructuring lotions.
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