When you have to decide how to stop hair loss, one of the solutions to these complex issues may be properly chosen preventive measures of intensive care using specialized shampoos, conditioners, masks, lotions - to soften and moisturize the scalp skin, to provide nutrition for hair strengthening, to improve scalp blood and microcirculation for hair growth enhacement. However, in cases of heavier or stronger hair loss and various scalp skin abnormalities, it is adviceable to combine treatment with specialized cosmetic procedures. For example, accupressure and therapeutic warming will strengthen the positive impact of topical drugs on the scalp and hair. Another approach is an application of electroneurostimulation with microcurrent impulses directed to the nerve endings of the skin cells and hair follicles. Mesotherapy may be used for an invasion by needle of certain drugs directly into the balding spots, as well as ozone therapy and phototherapy, where the ozonated solutions and quartz lamps are helping to remove skin inflammations and stimulate new hair growth, may be utilized. These days the most effective therapy is being considered Laser Phototherapy, known in medicine as Low Level Laser Therapy, as well as Quantum Therapy, known as Super Pulsed Infrared Laser Therapy. Quantum Therapy is quite recently suggested further step in low laser light therapy applications. Both of these methods are also considered to be absolutely safe (no side-effects). For our treatment procudures we use the most up-to-date "Human Healing System" therapeutical system incorporating a unique combination of super pulsed laser, infrared visible red light, transcutaneous analgetic electric stimulation and static magnetic field. However, Super Pulsed Infrared Laser is the essential component of Quantum Therapy, which is the first of its kind to combine the entire range of therapeutic light spectrum (Therapeutic Light Window) into a single technology. By today it is the fastest in the world, delivering a pulse at billionths of a second, that results in a higher concentration of light energy, or photons, driven deeper into the target tissue. Super pulsing allows for deeper penetration than a laser of the same wavelength that is not super pulsed but has the same average output power. For follow-up prevention (including self-support) we use handheld quantum therapy devices and laser brushes as well as some vibration and microneedle roller applications.
QuantumPro - is the fully integrated system for professional use, composed of pro-consol and four different emiitters for variety of applications.
QuantumSet - is similar application except specific modifications of emitters and different design of laser brush.
QuantumNeuro - is the best economic solution for therapeutical / personal use for intensive hair and scalp treatment and regeneration. Also, as another personal care intensive tool, we offer a Fractional Mesotherapy approach based
MesoRoller, which is specially designed titanium miconeedle roller tool to help treat thinning hair by precisely penetrating scalp with minimal irritation. All this therapeutical equipment is being used in conjunction with our active
treatment products.