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Loss      Forms of hair loss

Forms of hair loss

Each of us on average has about 100 thousand hair (ranging from 80 to 150 thousand) on the head. Assuming that 500 hair will fall out a day and none of them will grow back it is likely a person will go bald in 200 days. Although this will never happen as we already know that the hair grow in cycles or, in other words, constantly undergo different phases of development. The life of each hair is limited, when it ends this hair falls out clearing the space for new hair. Active growth usually lasts from two to six or seven years, sometimes longer. By the end of active growth hair root metabolism slows down and hair growth ceases, the root gets keratinized and after a few weeks or months and gets disconnected and hair falls out. If the period of active growth is reduced due to the transition from one phase of development to another happening too quickly, the hair does not have enough time to grow and remains as fuzzy (vellus) hair - follicle is unable to form healthy and strong hair. Hair growth cycle acceleration depends on a variety of causes or effects, including changes in hormones, inflammatory processes, stress, and other violations of the nervous system, etc. Although due to very same cycling of hair growth, all our hair sooner or later fall out and this causes the natural change of hair. Hormones are particularly important in the formation and loss of hair, they are almost completely control the lives of the hair. Thus during the period of hormonal body adjustment the level of the male (androgen) hormones gets higher, thus increasing activity of the sebaceous glands, so hair gets oily faster and start to thin out. As hair after puberty depend on the level of androgen, it accelerates their growth cycling shift and shortens their lives. For example, a common inherited hair loss Alopecia Androgenetica is caused by hereditary hormonal disorders. Man suffer more often from this, especially during the body’s hormonal adjustment in adolescence or menopausal age. Female hormones estrogens extend the life cycle of active hair growth and prevent them from forming where they should not be (women's chin and other face parts). During pregnancy, when the woman’s body has a lot of estrogen, the life cycle of the hair gets longer and hair grows stronger giving a pregnant woman more overall density looks. Before menopause, and during climax estrogen level falls down, more hair begin to break, thin and fall out or lose their shine and become dull and lifeless. Any hair loss can cause anxiety and stress, also any emotional stress, besides a frequent emotional state changes, stimulates an increase in male hormones level, thus accelerating hair loss. Hair may start to get dry, crack and fall out not only due to increase or decrease of the levels of certain hormones, but also due to lack of certain hormones. In general hormone production is regulated by pituitary, adrenal and thyroid glands. Due to lack of hormones caused by disruption of the thyroid gland activity skin and hair become dry, dull, lifeless  and start to break off, same as nails. Disruptions of the thyroid gland, in turn, are linked to violations of the endocrine and nervous systems that regulate the processes of secretion of sebum. It has been proved that the male and female forms of inherited baldness mostly depend on unusual sensitivity of the hair roots in certain parts of the upper part of the head to the male hormone testosterone and its transition into a more precise form as dehidrotestosteron (DHT). Under DHT influence the cycle of active hair growth begins to decrease as the hair bulb gradually begin to "get tired", every new hair generation grows gradually thinner and the person goes bald eventually. This process may begin quite early, sometimes almost immediately after puberty. Depending on specific case inherited hair loss can be slowed down and stopped by a combination of the treatments, procedures, pharmacological and homeopathical drugs, etc. More recently, scientists found that under the influence of certain inflammatory processes in the body inside the affected hair follicles begins production of  the certain type of collagen, which is like a cocoon wraps up around the hair root and gradually compresses it until the hair falls out together with the roots. When the cocoon completely compresses the hair root, it breaks up its connection with dermal papilla and no new hair will form at this specific follicle anymore.  Most scientists believe that for the normal development of the hair bulb and hair growth requires certain thickness of dermis and hypodermis, that shall be not less than 5mm. Besides hair follicles dermis layer contains hair muscles and supplying blood vessels. The thicker is this layer, the better developed are these muscles, the more movable and elastic is the scalp skin. With better muscle tension improves the skin bloodstream. Most often people with well developed dermis layer have thick and dense hair. In addition, the hair bulb development occurs in the same dermis. The basis of hair root - dermal papilla is located in hypodermal tissue, where it gets all the nutrients from the blood vessels. Overall dermis and hypodermis layer of skin being thinner than 5mm could be one of the major causes of early genetic balding. Moreover, while aging subcutaneous fat layer under the skin is getting harder and starts to press more on a network of subcutaneous blood vessels, decreasing as a result a hair papilla nutrition.

Any increasing hair loss or obvious hair thinning is characterized by the term Effluvium, which in translation from Latin means «diffused evaporation», hair like evaporate without a trace. This term more characterizes the state of the hair follicle, that occurs with the process of the formation of hair termination, the hair simply «evaporates». Any hair loss is characterized by the terms Alopecia from the word «alopex», which translates from Latin as a «fox disease», brought up at the time by Hippocrates, who named it after foxes loosing their fur in patches because of the annual molt. Of course, any form of hair loss «Effluvium» can move on into a permanent loss of hair until complete baldness «Alopecia». More common these days is scattering all over the head diffuse hair loss characterized as an Alopecia Diffusa which is basically hair thinning due to various reasons. Other frequently observed forms of hair loss are inherited Alopecia Androgenetica and focal Alopecia Areata loss of hair, which in turn can have several varieties. Least found hair loss in form of cicatrized patches Alopecia Cicatricial is caused by different physical effects and inflammatory processes. Summarizing we can say that any increased hair loss is always associated with disruption of hair normal growth and development in hair follicles or, in other words, with hair cycle changes. Although often the case is that stronger hair loss might occur due to the natural hair shedding or temporary body imbalance due to lack or excess of certain vitamins and minerals. So hair loss form determination is quite significant for further succesful treatment and the effectiveness of solutions for various occurring hair problems.

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